Thursday, December 17, 2009

Big News!!!

We are finally announcing our big news! We are expecting a baby boy (yes, another boy) due May 5, 2010. The boys will be 18 months apart. Jack is going to be the best big brother ever!

This is an ultrasound still shot from today. You can see baby boy #2's profile, with the top of his head on the right and his chest on the left.


  1. Congrats Katie!! Wonderful news! Jack will now have a best friend for life:)

  2. oh. my. gosh!!!! that is such great wonderful news:) congrats, congrats, congrats:) i think your right jack is going to be the best big brother:)

  3. So excited for you guys! Now John will have another member for the band!

  4. Awwww! Congratulations Katie!!!! SO exciting!!

  5. That is just the greatest news! Congrats to all of you and Merry, Merry Christmas!
